1280 x 720

Medivet Folkestone Sandgate

Our address:
Medivet Folkestone Sandgate
3 Sandgate Hill
Kent, CT20 2JF

Tel: 01303 248 501
E-mail the Surgery (folkestone@medivet.co.uk)
Practice Web Site: (www.medivet.co.uk/vet-practices/folkestone);

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General information about this Surgery:

Our branches provide a dedicated local service to clients, offering a comprehensive, quality service at affordable prices. Our branches can also provide access to 24 hour services.

As a part of the Medivet family, your pet will have the benefit of the skills and experience of over 600 vets throughout the company. Our staff aim to provide a welcoming and professional environment for both pet and client.

We offer both diagnostic and surgical care as well as a wealth of additional benefits to keep your pet happy and healthy. 

Species treated:

We treat the full range of pets at this surgery
We don't treat farm animals or equine

Additional Practice Details


This surgery is near to these places:

Sandgate, Folkestone & surrounding areas

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Opening times:

Mon    -  
Tue     -  
Wed    -  
Thu     -  
Fri       -  

Our opening hours are subject to change. 


In addition to street parking outside the practice, free client parking is also available on site.  

Staff Qualifications


Practice Standards:

Mobile Services

No mobile services available.

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