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Find Any UK Vet

We have entries for every UK Veterinary Surgery, right down to the smallest branch – well, that’s our aim – please tell us of any we’ve missed.

Find your Nearest Vet Surgery
If you enter your postcode or a placename in the search box you will be offered a list of your nearest surgeries in approximate distance order.

Please check out several entries, you may well find that a surgery lower down the list offers the services you need or is more convenient for you to get to.

Search by Country
Clicking on the map – or on a country name – will take you to a list of all the surgeries in your country sorted by town name.

Advanced Searches
We will be adding a range of advanced search options once we have collected information from enough surgeries. Find your nearest enquine vet or find specialists in alternative therapies for instance.

Note for Vets
There is no charge to include your practice on this list. We will link together your veterinary hospital, small animal clinic, large animal surgery and the smallest branches. You can add a wide range of useful information for your clients – the species you treat, the veterinary specialities you offer, surgery opening hours, additional veterinary qualifications your staff have obtained. Are you a Veterinary Nurse Training Centre? Does your practice have an Investor in People Award?
There is plenty of space for a freeform text message to welcome potential clients. You can make changes to your details at any time – adding your opening hours for holiday periods for example will only take a few minutes.
Simply follow the “Your Practice” link on your surgery entry.

This site offers much more than a simple directory of UK Vets. It has been designed to make it very easy for clients to find details of your services and to bring benefits to your practice. Follow the “Web Services” link to find out how it works- and about other services we offer.

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