1280 x 720

Rusthall Veterinary Surgery

Our address:
Rusthall Veterinary Surgery
Ashley Gardens
Tunbridge Wells
Kent, TN4 8TU

Tel: 01892 511715
E-mail the Surgery (rusthallvetsurgery@btconnect.com)

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General information about this Surgery:

 Servicing the pets of Tunbridge Wells and surrounding villages since 1986, we aim to help you, prevent your pets (our patients) getting ill, and when they do, helping to treat or cure them. 

Species treated:

We treat the full range of pets at this surgery
We don't treat farm animals or equine
We have a particular interest and experience in the treatment of backyard poultry, cage and aviary birds, cats, dogs, ferrets, guinea pigs, rabbits, small furries.

This surgery is near to these places:

Kent, Tunbridge Wells, Blackham, Groombridge, Frant, Hever, Southborough, Chiddingstone Hoath, Speldhurst, Langton Green, Eridge Green, Leigh, Chiddingstone, Penshurst, Bidborough, Rusthall, Fordcombe, Ashurst

Our surgery Covers:

Backyard poultryBackyard poultryCage and aviary birdsCage and aviary birdsCatsCatsDogsDogsFerretsFerretsGuinea PigsGuinea PigsRabbitsRabbitsSmall FurriesSmall Furries

Other small animal experience:


Other large animal experience:


Other experience:


Opening times:


8:30- 7pm monday till friday

8:30-12noon saturday


off road and on road free parking opposte childrens play ground

Staff Qualifications


Practice Standards:

Mobile Services

No mobile services available.

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